Friday, March 5, 2010


Guys - below you will find the rules. I changed them only slightly, adding Rio to the Big Fish awards and deleting the redundancy in the species differentiation. By the way Rio only counts for the Big Fish Award, it does not count toward total points. If ya'll have any suggestions or rants, use the "comments function" of the website. Also if you want to create a google account (Nick you already have one)(I don't think you need gmail)you can become a follower of the site, whatever that means. Anyway, the rules...

The Gulf Coast Club’s
Blind Pelican Fishing League


1. Season Dates are as follows:
Spring – March 1 – May 31
Summer – June 1 – August 31
Fall – September 1 – November 31

2 Paddlecraft or Bank fishing only.
2a. Mothership may be used to transport a paddlecraft only, it may not be used to transport to a bank fishing location. Fish only count when caught 50 yards or further from the mothership.

3. Only fish which are kept for consumption are counted for points (see points structure below)

4 Reports, with photograph(s) of catch should be submitted to the webmaster as soon as possible following the catch. No more than 10 days after trip. At least one photograph of entire catch is required for points, but more photos are encouraged along with a trip narrative.

5. Points system is as follows:
Saltwater Freshwater
Red/Drum 10pts Bass 10pts
Flounder 8pts Sac-a-lait 8pts
Sheepshead 6 pts Catfish 6pts
Specks 4pts Gaspergou 4pts
White Trout 2 pts Bream 2pts

Bonus 1 – Slams
A slam will be any combination of 3 separate species caught in 1 trip. This will double the value of 1 of each species on the slam

Bonus 2 – “Board Game”
This bonus will be a series of fish caught in consecutive order in one season. The species will be(in order): Bream – Speckled Trout – Bass – Flounder – Redfish Points will be award in the following fashion:
1st 25 points
2nd 20 points
3rd 15points
4th 10 points
5th 5 points

6 Species differentiation:
Bass will include both largemouth and spotted(Kentucky), but will not include striped, white, and yellow bass.

Bream will include bluegill, redear, goggleye, longear sunfish, red bellied sunfish, pumpkinseeds, etc.

Catfish will include Channel cats, Blue cats, Flathead (mud) Cats. Spoonbill catfish will not be included.

7. Big fish awards. Bass, Redfish, and Rio will count for the big fish awards. A photograph of the fish on a scale with the wait visible is required for consideration for this award. The fish that weighs the most will win in each category. If the fish will not be kept for consumption the photo must be taken on the boat, so prepare accordingly.

Entry fee will be 20-25 dollars per fisherman, per season. And payout is as follows:
Out of 100 dollars per season:
40 to the season winner
25 to the Angler of the Year
10 to biggest red
10 to biggest bass
5 to biggest Rio
10 to the Award if we want one

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