Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Report

Well, I just got back from fishing City Park with Ryan. All the girls, Cassie, Kristy, Emma, and Heidi had a good time relaxing in the beautiful weather. Ryan and I however, could not buy a fish. I thought one of us would catch at least 1 Rio or Bass to put the pressure on for the big fish challenge, but alas, not a fish was caught. So we leave another weekend pointless...Although I heard Will may have kept a few bass at some point this weekend, so we may have a midweek update. We'll See.

The big rio challenge will take on a whole new meaning on the 27th of this month, with many of the competitors of this league competing as teamates for the Bucket Full of Rios Challenge, so we will definitely have some updates at that point.



  1. That's pretty sad. On a daily basis I put something bigger than that in my hand.

  2. Brock, thats cute thinking it's bigger than that bass.....

    Thanks by the way for the first comment not by me.

  3. Sunday was a good day at City park, We had been fishing pumpkin seed worms and trying to find the Rio's. They're gone. Ryan, Jesse and i found a small school of bass that had moved up to a downed log on a sand ledge in about 18" of water. I threw everything at them, worms, crawfish, topwater, suspended, jigs. The only thing that would get a noticed was a black curly tailed grub with a blue tail. I also used split shots instead of a sliding sinker. All in all 5 bass on the day and Jesse's reel stealing green trout. This weekend should provide some Sac a Lait for the freezer.
